Connection to God
Learning to be a part of the body of Christ - how to love God and one another. (1 Cor. 12:27)
Obedience to God
Learning to obey God and His commands. (Eccl. 12:13)
Vision with God's perspective
Learning to see ourselves and the world as God does. (Matt. 28:18-20)

Our Prayer

As we consider the needs of our children, we celebrate the difference Jesus wants to make in their lives. Every ministry opportunity for children from birth to 6th grade has a unified objective. Our prayer is that every warm embrace, every song and Bible story, and each creative activity works to build a foundation of Biblical truth and encourage a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Partnership

Our ministry to families is based on the concept that your child's first steps to our Lord begin long before the miracle of birth. Supporting and strengthening the fabric of the family becomes a consistent underlying theme through a variety of events, learning programs, and tools as we partner with parents to encourage those first spiritual steps. Our plan is to join with families and provide important resources to reinforce the teaching done during our entrusted time with your children.

Weekly Activities

Sunday  Morning  Worship  Service  with  Children's  Church  for  1st-3rd  graders  -  9:15 AM

Since one of our goals is to honor Christ through the disicpling and strengthening of families, we provide an opportunity for families to worship together.  Starting in first grade, kids transition into joining the music portion of our worship service in the sanctuary.  After the worship through music portion of the service, 1st-3rd graders are invited to attend Children's Church. Starting in 4th grade, older kids join the entirety of our worship service because we feel it is important for families to worship together and for kids (especially, older kids) to witness and learn from adults in corporate worship and biblical instruction.

Wednesday  Evening  Discipleship  Program  - 6:00 PM during the school year  (The  Gospel  Project)

During the school year we provide childcare and discipleship for the kids of those who serve in and attend our Wednesday programs.  The Gospel Project takes kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture from Genesis through Revelation. Check-in begins at 5:50 PM, entering in through the basement double doors. Pick-up time is at 7:15 PM in the same location. 


Our nursery ministry seeks to provide a safe and cheerful atmosphere, caring and capable staff, Bible-based learning activities, as well as age and developmentally appropriate toys and equipment. 
  • Infant & Toddler Nursery: Available for children ages 0-3 on Sunday mornings during the Worship Service.
  • Junior Church: Available for children ages 4-Kindergarten during our Sunday Worship Service.
Children can be dropped off at the COVkids check-in area 15 minutes before the service begins.

Contact Our Children's Ministry

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